Chuck-a-luck and then some by Jacob & Co.

import java.util.*;

interface Die
    Die roll();
    Integer valueOf();

interface CarnivalGame
    CarnivalGame recordBets(String[] bets);
    void announceWinners();

interface DiceGame
    DiceGame analyzeDice();
    DiceGame rollDice();
    DiceGame showDice();

abstract class AbstractDie implements Die
    private Integer value;

    protected AbstractDie() {
        value = nextValue();
    public abstract int numberOfSides();
    public final Die roll() {
        value = nextValue();
        return this;
    public String toString() {
        return value.toString();
    public final Integer valueOf() {
        return value;
    protected abstract int nextValue();

abstract class AbstractFairDie extends AbstractDie
    protected final int nextValue() {
        return (int)(1 + Math.random() * numberOfSides());

class Dodecahedron extends AbstractFairDie
    public int numberOfSides() { return 12; }

class FairSixSidedAsciiDie extends Dodecahedron
    private static final String[] sides = {
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   1   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   2   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   3   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   4   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   5   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   6   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   7   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   8   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|   9   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|  10   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|  11   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "---------\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
        "|  12   |\n" +
        "|       |\n" +
    public String toString() {
        return sides[valueOf() - 1];

class Bread implements DiceGame, CarnivalGame{
    protected Die[] RedDie, BlackDie;
    protected String[] Bets = {"Red", "Black", "Bread"};
    protected int Wager;
    public String Winner;
    protected int RedDieSum, BlackDieSum;
    public Bread (){
    public DiceGame showDice(){
        System.out.print("Red Dice: \n");
        for(int i = 0; i < RedDie.length; i++){
            System.out.print(RedDie[i] + "\n");
        System.out.print("\nBlack Dice: \n");
        for(int i = 0; i < BlackDie.length; i++){
            System.out.print(BlackDie[i] + "\n");
        return this;

    public DiceGame rollDice(){
        Die[] RedDice = new Die[3];
        for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
            RedDice[i] = new FairSixSidedAsciiDie();
        this.RedDie = RedDice;
        Die[] BlackDice = new Die[3];
        for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
            BlackDice[j] = new FairSixSidedAsciiDie();
        this.BlackDie = BlackDice;
        return this;
    public DiceGame analyzeDice(){
        if(RedDieSum > BlackDieSum){
            this.Winner = Bets[0];
        else if(BlackDieSum > RedDieSum){
            this.Winner = Bets[1];
            this.Winner = Bets[2];
        return this;
    public DiceGame sumDice(){
        int RedDieSum = 0;
        int BlackDieSum = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < RedDie.length; i++){
            RedDieSum = RedDie[i].valueOf() + RedDieSum;
            BlackDieSum = BlackDie[i].valueOf() + BlackDieSum;
        this.RedDieSum = RedDieSum;
        this.BlackDieSum = BlackDieSum;
        return this;
    public void announceWinners(){
        System.out.print("\n" + Winner + " won!");
    public CarnivalGame recordBets(String[] bets){
        return this;
    public void handleWager(int wager, String guess){
                System.out.println("\nYou Won " + wager*20 + " Chash M0ney Dollars");
                System.out.println("\nYou Won " + wager*2 + " Chash M0ney Dollars");

            System.out.println("\nYou Lost");

/** Chuck-a-luck is played with three standard dice that are kept in a device
 *  shaped somewhat like an hourglass that resembles a wire-frame bird cage
 *  and pivots about its centre. The dealer rotates the cage end over end,
 *  with the dice landing on the bottom. Wagers are placed based on possible
 *  combinations that can appear on the three dice.
 *  Source:
 *  Single: A specific number will appear.
 *  Triple: Any of the triples (all three dice show the same number) will appear.
 *  Big:    The total score will be 11 (sometimes 12) or higher and not a triple.
 *  Small:  The total score will be 10 (sometimes 9) or lower and not a triple.
 *  Field:  The total score will be outside the range of 8 to 12 (inclusive).
class ChuckALuck implements DiceGame, CarnivalGame
    public static final String
        Triple = "Triple", Big = "Big", Small = "Small", Field = "Field";
    protected final Die[] dice;
    protected final List<String> results = new LinkedList<String>();
    protected String[] bets;

    public ChuckALuck(Dodecahedron[] dice) {
        if (dice.length != 3) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of dice.");
        this.dice = dice;
    public ChuckALuck analyzeDice() {
        final Integer
          v1 = dice[0].valueOf(),
          v2 = dice[1].valueOf(),
          v3 = dice[2].valueOf();

        final int sum = v1 + v2 + v3;
        if (v1 == v2 && v2 == v3) {
        else if (sum >= 11) {
        else if (sum <= 10 ) {
        if (sum < 8 || sum > 12) {
        return this;
    public void announceWinners() {
        for (int i = 0; i < bets.length; i++) {
            String bet = bets[i];
            if (results.indexOf(bet) >= 0) {
                System.out.println("Bet " + (i + 1) + " (" + bet + ") wins!");
    public ChuckALuck recordBets(String[] bets) {
        this.bets = bets;
        return this;
    public ChuckALuck rollDice() {
        for (Die die : dice) die.roll();
        return this;
    public ChuckALuck showDice() {
        for (Die die : dice) System.out.println(die);
        return this;
    public String toString() {
        return "Chuck-a-luck";

class AlternateChuckALuck extends ChuckALuck {
    public AlternateChuckALuck(Dodecahedron[] dice){
    public ChuckALuck analyzeDice() {
        final Integer
          v1 = dice[0].valueOf(),
          v2 = dice[1].valueOf(),
          v3 = dice[2].valueOf();

        final int sum = v1 + v2 + v3;
        if (v1 == v2 && v2 == v3) {
        else if (sum >= 12) {
        else if (sum <= 9 ) {
        if (sum < 8 || sum > 12) {
        return this;

final class Carny
    public static void acceptBets(CarnivalGame game, String[] bets) {
    public static void payWinners(CarnivalGame game) {
    public static void playGame(DiceGame game) {

public class Dealer
    private static final FairSixSidedAsciiDie[] diceCage = {
        new FairSixSidedAsciiDie(),
        new FairSixSidedAsciiDie(),
        new FairSixSidedAsciiDie()
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        final Bread game = new Bread();
        game.handleWager(Integer.parseInt(args[1]), args[0]); //First commandLine argument is the guess, second is the wager.
